Nursing Home Ministry
The church is collecting for nursing home residents that we visit. We are in need of the following supplies: Chapstick, kleenex (travel size), toiletries, shampoo, conditioner, hand or body lotion, shower gel, and hand sanitizer. For more information contact Evelyn Mattie.
Camp Carmel
What a great Summer we had. We look forward to seeing your kids next Summer. Contact Chris Carson for details.
Book Club Schedule
The Pastor's Book Club starts at 6 p.m. Just as reminder that you are responsible to purchase your own book.
- April 7, 2025: "All Cracked Up: Experiencing God in the Broken Places" by Patsy Clairmont
- June 2, 2025: "Reload Love: Transforming Bullets to Beauty and Battlegrounds to Playgrounds" by Lenya Heitzig
- August 4, 2025: "Flash: The Homeless Donkey Who Taught Me About Life, Faith, and Second Chances" by Rachel Anne Ridge
- October 6, 2025: "The War on Children: Providing Refuge for your Children in a Hostile World" by John MacArthur
- December 1, 2025: "The Wish Book Christmas" by Lynn Austin
Movie Night
"Taking Chance" will be playing on March 21, 2025 at 6 pm
Vacation Bible School
VBS in 2025 will be 6/15/2025-6/20/2025 so mark it on your calendars. The theme will be "True North".